Thursday, February 19, 2015

Police Chief Mosiello Accused of Burying Murder Info

        The latest allegation involving Village of Pelham Manor Police Chief Alfred Mosiello involves a murder from 1995.  Mosiello is accused of having information pertinent to that murder investigation, but wanting to stall taking action until he was promoted.  ..... MORE.....

        Al Mosiello, before becoming police chief, had been a lieutenant and detective with the Pelham Manor Police Department.

        What is known is that the Village of Pelham Manor Police Department has been directed by administrators to "misclassify" certain crimes so as to not tarnish the desired stellar image of the small village community.  Village of Pelham Manor administrators are known for their taxpayer-funded crisis-mode defenses against any negative media- especially with such a story involving a mob-styled hit.

        The Village of Pelham Manor resident, Saverio Chiechi, was shot in the head at close range while parked in front of his home.  Mr. Chiechi was shot dead on his birthday.

        What is known is that the murder remains unsolved. It is not known, however, if Al Mosiello ever took any action regarding the information he is quoted as saying he had concerning that killing.

        The New York FBI was aware of the Chiechi murder, and the allegation involving Mosiello, before Mosiello's recent press concerning the racist emails and his announced retirement. It is not known if Mosiello or the board of trustees had any knowledge of any FBI involvement.

        Al Mosiello is currently on vacation until the last day of February, at which time his "retirement" would become effective.

        The Village of Pelham Manor Board of Trustees, however, has the authority to immediately suspend Mosiello- and despite his planned-retirement- pending an investigation.

As Reported in the New York Times, 

Published: February 13, 1995

Pelham Manor Man Slain

PELHAM MANOR, N.Y., Feb 12— A man returning to his Pelham Manor home for a birthday dinner was shot and killed in his car early today, the police said. 
The victim, Saverio Chiechi, 65, died in front of his Townsend Avenue home after being shot in the head while parked in his black Acura, Dennis Carroll, the Pelham Manor Police Chief, said. 
Mr. Chiechi owned the Lizam Wine & Liquor Store in Manhattan. He was shot at 12:18 a.m., according to the police. The slaying is the first in the area in at least 25 years.


  1. Yikes ! This is obviously not a good thing. Playing games with investigating a murder?!?! God help us !

    The DA cold case squad in White Plains should have a little chat with Al.

  2. I agree- suspend Mosiello TODAY ! And get to the bottom of this. Let the FBI or NYS or Westchester DA investigate. Seller, Pierpont and Schwarzfeld should not "hire" an outside (and fixed) lawyer to do any make believe investigation.

  3. Ask Al why he didn't come into work when one of his detectives was shot in the face!

  4. Is Schwarzfeld a clown and a dummy? He accuses 2 retired police officers of extortion?! Look up SLANDER in a law book. Did Schwarzfeld again use taxpayer money and hire a law firm to investigate this alleged EXTORTION?

    The only person committing extortion is John Boy Pierpont with his bid rigging schemes. And I have the proof, and it's coming soon !

    Schwarzfeld - you and Sellier are a DISGRACE. You guys must be some lawyers.

  5. As a Pelham Manor resident who has little knowledge of any of this stuff, I don't know what to make of it. On the one hand I get the sense that there's some bad stuff going on here. On the other hand, I can't really explain what it is, and am troubled that the principal motivation for running this website seems to be personal animosity.

    I think it would be *really* helpful for people who aren't really familiar with all this if you could post in one place what you think the Police Chief, Fire Chief, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Supervisor have done wrong, when they did it, and what evidence you have to support your allegations.

    Without that, at least to me, it just reads as a big angry rant and it's hard to make a judgement on what's really going on.

  6. Yes, indeed to the previous comment. Some bad stuff is going on in the administrative offices of the Village of Pelham Manor: Millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted to fund created legal woes. Tax dollars are used to destroy workers.

    It all points to the one person in charge: John Pierpont. The manor trustees are part-time and they are afraid of Pierpont. We need to hire a new board of trustees- good folks who have what's needed to clean up some of the bad things that have been going on. Yes- some people need to be replaced, and starting with John Pierpont. I heard he makes about $300k a year. Is that correct?

  7. I understand the questioning of these new chat blogs but there's documentation to back up the stories. I watched Mayor Sellier and Deputy Mayor attempt to handle the chief email situation and I can't decide if it was complete incompetence or just not being up to the job.

    There are obvious problems in the Manor offices. Something has to change.

  8. Makes you really wonder about Winston and Mclaughlin who are behind Schwarzfeld being the next mayor. Seller is bully, and was nasty to the public who tried to ask him questions. I fear that Schwarzfeld will be a doormat and just run over by Pierpont. We need change and accountability.

    There are serious allegations of wasting millions of tax dollars on created legal cases. I want someone to go over the books. Pierpont needs to answers questions.

  9. To see how honest the current administration is go to the Feb 12, 2015 Journal News article at:

    Sellier was asked a question by the reporter and Schwarzfeld responded by email: "The Board does not think it appropriate to speculate about any other supposed facts that have not been brought to its attention."

    Schwarzfeld says "SUPPOSED FACTS" - and this after they had already received copies of the racist emails.

    Pelham Manor is run by a bunch of LIARS !

    1. Maybe the other hundred emails should be released. What a jerk. Pierpont next.

  10. Dear Deputy Mayor Schwarzfeld,

    What is harassment training? Is this another new job for your career criminal Pierpont?

    After careful consideration by the Board .... of Nazi misfits ..... Are you going to hire Pierpont to give the class? Maybe the cops can then follow him and Charlie around and observe how they harass residents.

  11. Schwarzfeld claims a lawsuit to fire Mosiello would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. What about the 20-plus employees that Pierpont targeted? Add that up, Neal. But that was OK?

    Add up all the lawsuits residents filed because of Pierpont.

    Do yourself and the residents a favor and withdraw from running for mayor. You are morally bankrupt. Seller Schwarzfeld and the rest of the bums are impersonating "Trustees"

    You hired a private law firm to do a criminal investigation. Typical modern day corrupt lawyers - NOT A MAN AMONGST YOU !

  12. About the above murder it went down like this. In early 2007 the jerk Mosiello asked me to check on lead he had on a murder case. I asked him which one and he would not tell me. I guess he thought he could finally solve a case by himself as his partner Chief Paul Cusano retired. I gave him the information he asked for but never heard anything about the case again. He should have made a call to get directions as how to proceed. He could have called a monkey at the Bronx Zoo the monkey would have handled the case better than Mosiello did. I feel sorry for the family of Sammy.
