Monday, February 2, 2015

Elected Officials Accused of Overlooking Misdeeds of Village Manager John Pierpont

     According to a Village of Pelham Manor Police Report, an older gentleman resident was followed and harassed by the wife of the village manger, John Pierpont.  See the details..... MORE.....
Read the police report, a full copy is below.

Information includes:

•    SUSPECT: Dianna Pierpont (Village Manager John Pierpont’s wife)

•    INCIDENT TYPE:  Harassment

•    VICTIM:  now 77-years-old

•    Victim was driving past Suspect’s home at 1006 Prospect Avenue, 
      and had to avoid Suspect’s car which had been exiting her driveway

•    Suspect followed Victim, became Irate and Abusive toward older Victim

•    Victim became concerned when Suspect produced a GOLD SHIELD 

•    Victim attempted to ignore Suspect and entered a local food establishment

•    Returning to his (the Victim’s) vehicle, the Suspect calls him by his name,
    frightening the older Victim since he did not know the female Suspect

•    Someone had caused the illegal access of the FBI/NCIC government computer 

     database to assist the suspect, Dianna Pierpont, in further harassing the Victim

FACT:     It is a federal crime to "run" such a license plate inquiry (Unauthorized Access of a Law Enforcement Database) - Title 18, United States Code, Section 1030 (a)(2)(B))

FACT:     Such abuse of a police department's FBI-NCIC computer puts the presence of that vital computer database at risk as such abuse can result in the issuing state denying further access.

FACT:     It is grossly improper to put the on-duty police officer covering the desk at police headquarters in the position of either assisting in a federal crime (improperly accessing the FBI-NCIC computer) or being retaliated against and out of a job.


  1. I wouldn't believe it unless I read it with my own eyes!!!!! WTF?!?!?! It's a federal crime to do what was obviously done. This is beyond outrageous. Who the hell is protecting this guy Pierpont? And what's up with his wife having a badge?!?! Maybe we should just re-name Pelham Manor to PIERPONT'S KINGDOM. What really gets me is that the mayor, the trustees and obviously the police are afraid of Pierpont. I don't know whether to laugh, cry or run out of fear. How much is Pierpont's salary ? Anyone know?

  2. This needs to be reported to the FBI

  3. I know first-hand about Pierpont. He's a bully, a spineless thug. A good example of the truth behind how John Pierpont should be feared (even by the taxpayers) is nicely illustrated by the gentleman in the police report who is the VICTIM and had to agree to meet with John Pierpont so to make sure that there wouldn't be “any retaliation” against him- the VICTIM. Unreal.

  4. Someone needs to look into how the village of pelham manor building inspector and the assistant building inspector target certain residents for violations, and how those violations "assist" certain select realtors. I believe it's a total abuse of governmental powers.

  5. Pierpont should be charged with criminal impersonation of a human being. He is an arrogant bully who controls the dpw the fire dept and the police dept. He makes about $350,000 plus a housing allowance. Why does he get a housing allowance when he makes so much money. He and his cronies the police and fire chiefs make $850,000 salary plus other bonuses like cashing in their vacation for another $25,000 plus Tahoe trucks. Residents wake up. They are robbing the village blind.
