Sunday, February 1, 2015

Pelham Manor Taxpayers Fund Porn Cover-Up and Retaliation Scheme

     Was it necessary for the Village of Pelham Manor taxpayers to end up paying over $500,000.00 to resolve the matter of a former village employee, Christopher Pignone?
     Village of Pelham Manor Manger John Pierpont insured that the the federal court action, Pignone vs. Village of Pelham Manor, John Pierpont, et al., dragged on for years so that he could dole out hundreds of thousands of dollars toward legal fees.

     The second highest court in the United States, the federal 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan formally ruled what was always always obvious to everyone: that there was merit to the claims made by the former Village of Pelham Manor employee, Christoper Pignone.  So legal fees continued to build through the federal district court in White Plains, and then to the 2nd Cirucit Court of Appeals, and then back to the district court. 

Mr. Pignone was a village of Pelham Manor employee who was also a union delegate who had been trying to get better coverage for union employees.  But then rumors, alleged to have been started by John Pierpont, started circulating around the village suggesting that Mr. Pignone was only looking out for himself. 

The lawsuit says that, "On one occasion someone within the employ of the Village of Pelham Manor left a pornographic picture on [the former employee's] windshield of two males engaging in oral sex."  Shockingly, John Pierpont apparently refused to substantively address the posted pornography. 

On another occasion, ".... Village Manager Pierpont is also accused of intentionally letting is dogs loose when the employee was required to be on Pierpont family property, and despite being asked to confine the canines."

"On two occasions [the employee] found a fake rat hung in his locker."

The harassment got so bad that a one point, accordingly to the federal lawsuit, the employee was hospitalized at the Sound Shore Medical Center in New Rochelle and needed oxygen.

The Village of Pelham Manor taxpayers ended up paying over $500,000.00 to resolve the matter of a former village employee, Christopher Pignone, who was retaliated against by the village manager John Pierpont.


  1. Wow!
    I never heard about this lawsuit.
    Why didn't the local papers cover it.
    I pay over $30k in taxes...

  2. Yes and alot more that you don't know about wait and see how much you have to pay for the cover-up when one of your police officers nearly lost his life when he got hit by a car

  3. I demand that Pierpont publicly list on the village website each and every lawsuit that the manor has been engaged in since he first became village manager, and the legal fees paid and the total cost of each litigated matter should specified.

  4. Hi, I am new to the Manor. Is Pierpont's position an elected one? I have had a hard time navigating the political structure of this town.

  5. Many more lawsuits coming and the village will lose them all. So many employees bullied and forced to retire. What about the 15 officers who were forced to retire or transfer. I remember when the cops were happy and very friendly to the residents. I wonder what went wrong now I know. Bring back the old timers.

  6. The old trustees would never tolerate what has been going on the last 8 years.These bozos take there orders from Pierpont the system is backwards. The mayor said so many wrong things in his statement he should be disbarred. Pierpont sold dim down the river.

  7. Christopher Pignone wow I wondered what happened to him. The young man always had a smile on his face. He was so helpful when he saw me outside my house. It is a shame what happened to him. So many of the old faces have gone. I did not realize the workers were forced to leave. They really cared about the residents. Joe Mancuso was a character he was the mayor of Pelham Manor. Det. Phil always had a joke to tell. Chief Paul he painted a line in white paint at the top of my driveway himself so the high school kids would not block it. I bought shirts from a guy from Brooklyn I think his name was Anthony gee I am laughing thinking about it. God bless all you Pelham Manor policemen.

  8. Pignone case was settled because manager Pierpont was bid rigging village contracts. Pignone's lawyer could prove it. Pierpont would have to admit this under oath or commit PERJURY.

  9. Pierpont and the police imp Mosiello lie every time they take the stand in a departmental hearing. I did not want to believe that but now I do. The board is also wrong for taking the liars testimony as truth. Everyone that was made to retire would still be there if the board was awake. Get a labor attorney and sue the jokers so the truth comes out.

  10. The police chief is a mess he hides in his office all day long and has his 80 year old secretary guarding his office door for him. The men need to be led how can he do that he has no credibility what so ever not that he had any before time to fire the racist pig and get a leader to unite this once proud department. With a functional department the shady dealings would decrease for fear of getting caught. Just a while back one of chiefs rats when out a window with his arms full. He was seen by firemen and they reported it. Guess what happened your right not a freaking thing. Rot in hell you little piece of garbage and take your son with you.

    1. Are you saying one of the cops committed a Burglary?

  11. The new police administration should take a clue from the past chiefs. They did not let go of the power they had. The Police Chief works for the board of trustees not Pierpont. Somehow he got his foot in the door and never backed out. Remember that Pierpont also works for the board so if you can not control him tell him to take hike. You have to run your department or your men will not respect you. Once that is gone you can never get it back. Don't be afraid to ask for help it is impossible for you to know everything as you have no administrative experience. Good luck.

  12. I was one of the officers forced out of PMPD by Pierpont and Mosiello. I had 20 years of service, numerous decorations and not one formal disciplinary action in all that time. Days before my retirement was official they served me with charges and effectively fired me when I refused to resign. Most village employees careers end in situations like this since Pierpont has been in charge. Dignified retirements are sadly a thing of the past in the Village of Pelham Manor.
