Friday, February 13, 2015

Pelham Manor Racist Email Scandal Spreads to Eastchester

There is more to the racist email scandal that has propelled Village of Pelham Manor Police Chief Alfred Mosiello to recent stories in The New York Daily News and The Journal News.  It is now reported that the email addresses of another Westchester County police chief and two police lieutenants have been identified as part of the stream of e-mail distribution..... MORE.....
Joining Police Chief Al Mosiello in Pelham Manor is Lieutenant David Donohue who, it was announced last week, is retiring on February 28th.  Lt. Donohue recently ran the Pelham Manor Police Department while Chief Mosiello, according to contradictory statements from Pelham Manor officials, was either out on medical leave or suspended from his job because of the racist emails.  

Timothy J. Bonci joined the Town of Eastchester Police Department in 1981 and was promoted to Sergeant in 1987. After becoming a Lieutenant in 1994, and Captain in 2004, he was appointed as the Chief of the Police in 2005.    

According to sources, and as provided in the documentation below, Town of Eastchester Police Chief Timothy Bonci's email address is, Eastchester Lieutenant George Barletta's email address is, and Pelham Manor Police Lieutenant David Donohue's email address is Those three email addresses apparently accompany Mosiello's mail address,, in the racist emails entitled, the "New Breadwinner in the Family," the "Joe vs Jose," and "Shower Sex." 

To date, no documentation has been provided linking the now-four email addresses to the "Gay Guy Black Guy" email.



  1. I am glad Donahue is leaving he allowed everything that happened in the last eight years to go on. Sorry he got caught up in the email scandal but he should have reported it and did not. As for the board who ever voted for you clowns must be very sorry now. The mayor wanted the mess to go away and to just survive till April sorry about that. You should have done what any other mayor would have done. The Police Commissioner is even dumber there are 100 more emails and other problems with the PD that you will now inherit all because you were mislead by leader of the pack John Pierpont. He screwed you to protect his puppet Chief I Hate Blacks Mosiello.

  2. Has the Village of Pelham Manor or the Town of Eastchester promoted any other employees, who are this stupid? Let's forget about the content of the emails for a moment, let's just say they are in poor taste. Aren't these employees considered the cream of the local law enforcement crop? Do they have any input into their replacements? I am concerned.

  3. This has gone from bad to worse. Will the Town of Eastchester have the good sense to advise their Chief of Police to clean out his locker immediately, or will there be a second reservation at “reprogramming” camp. I applaud Lt. Donahue for having been prudent enough to have attempted to retire, rather than put the Village through any additional proceedings. The evidence doesn’t support the idea that Donahue actually opened or forwarded the distasteful emails, so it is admirable that he manned up. The Village should run the infidel, Mosiello, out of town and promote Dave. He has always been a man about the village, and has kept the interest of his hometown at heart.

  4. You could not be more incorrect. Donohue was a HUGE part of the PMPD problem. If he was so concerned about his hometown he would have stepped up long ago and tried to put an end to Chief Napoleon's misgivings. Instead he chose to let it all happen and even participated in many of the ILLEGAL EVENTS. Good Riddance no show Lieutenant. Now be a man and tell the FEDS everything you know if you care so much about your hometown.

  5. Donahue should be run out of the Village just like his racist buddy. Donahue's name appears on most of the 100 emails. He never reported them to anyone. His duty was to report them He never told the racist Mosiello to stop sending them.That is what person who thought they were wrong would have done. He did not. Did he check to see if they were sent to any other Pelham Manor officers.No. If I were the Village I would give him a drug test he would not pass. Clean house.

  6. That lying sack of hot air- Randy Dandy Sellier- made of point of saying that Mosiello used his personal email. My question for windbag Bertrand Sellier is: why didn't you say that Yes, it was Mosiello's personal email, but that same email was used for police business also, especially given the fact Mosiello DIDN"T HAVE A WORK EMAIL !!!! Mosiello used that one meal address for everything. Another shame on Sellier moment: lying by omission.

  7. The good thing now is that John Pierpont can get himself appointed as the next Village of Pelham Manor Police Chief.... and in a few years, with the help of a few spineless trustees, Pierpont can be crowned KING OF PELHAM MANOR.

  8. Colavita is a wifebeater!!!! There should be an investigation with Bonci, when Colavita beat the crap out of his wife, and Bonci covered that all up, Corrupt town hall from top to bottom.

  9. It would be nice if soon-to-be-former-chief Mosiello would, for once, be a man and do the right thing. Mosiello needs to tell the feds that he was directed by village manager John Pierpont to fix tickets. Grow a spine, Al, and tell the truth and, for the first time in a long time, honor your oath as a member of law enforcement.

  10. Get ready Dave all your emails are soon to be released. You have should have kept running. Now you put yourself in line for the same due you racist buddy MOSIELLO got. Plus your going to hurt the Eastchester cops more. STUPID move.

  11. The police chief resigned. Thank God. All the men are elated.
    Now Pierpont has to go. Clean up the mess.

  12. I hope the 2 Eastchester cops don't get punished to hard they were on the receiving end of Pelham Manor chief Alfred Mosiello's racist email. Donahue who is now running the sinking ship was in the office next the perv and did nothing to stop the emails.100 emails he must have enjoyed them. Did you see him on news 12 was that not hysterical. Do you know he was behind the police station smoking a joint. Clean house house and get a leader in there.

  13. Ex- Chief (I love to say that) can't even bow out gracefully. As is his norm he blames other people for his problems. This has been from Day 1 when he threatened the whole force at his first meeting as chief. He promised to take it personal if anybody called out sick. It was like he was getting extra pay if no one called in sick. Even in his FORCED RESIGNATION letter he blames Lenci and Paci for his stupidity. Typical Al. Note to Mr Hall, in no way did Ex-Chief try to HELP you. As a matter of fact, he directed his whole department to get you out of town ASAP. He DID NOT WANT YOUR KIND IN HIS VILLAGE. Then he used you to get rid of PBA DELEGATES. Al loved to go after PBA officials. Check his termination/ suspensions, you might see a pattern.

  14. Al became chief in 2007 that is when all the problems started. There were no problems before that. The men hated him from his first week as chief. They saw right away he was a wimp and let Pierpont push him around. They lost all respect for the perv almost immediately. There may be 4 or 5 officers who consider him chief but they all talk behind his back too. But Al being stupid Al promoted them to sgts. Vesperman Gaul and DeSantola. The aforementioned should be cleaning sewers for the DPW because they are rats. The village fathers must be turning over in there graves watching the worse police department in the county. The PERV and BALDIES police department. Get rid of them 2 not 1 and put a real leader in place and it will turn back to one of the best in Westchester County. Baldie loose you ego and do the right thing. You know what will end every single problem. What are you scared? Grow some balls and do it for the village. I dare you. Six months the department running on all cylinders. What have got to loose?

  15. Why would Pierpont do anything that would make him loose control of the police department. He does not care about the officers or the taxpayers. He is on an ego trip and the more jobs he has the more money the makes. He would not do the right thing for the men or the residents because he looks down on them. The old mayors have to join together and show the current board how to really run a village. Show them how to care for their employees not treat them like garbage. The devil Pierpont even did away with the village Christmas party. How freakin low can you go. The man is a miserable bastard.
