Thursday, February 26, 2015

ANOTHER Pelham Manor Police Supervisor Linked to Racist Email Scandal

Yet, another Pelham Manor Police supervisor has been linked to the racist email scandal.

A principal from a private investigative firm, who has been involved with the Village of Pelham Manor for many years, and has been intricately involved in the proceedings that led to the retirement or termination of numerous Pelham Manor officers, has forwarded information that another police supervisor may have been the recipient of emails sent by the Chief of Police, Alfred Mosiello.

The email address, which shows up on The New Breadwinner in the Family” email, is  T****  This email, which is disparaging to minorities and women, was the most recent email sent by the Chief of Police, of the emails that have been made public in this scandal.  This racially charged email was sent to various supervisory members of the department, and included T****  The email is linked to a supervisor’s last name and a prior address on N. Fulton Avenue in Mount Vernon.  Reports from members of the department say the supervisor in question has been considered a close personal friend of the Chief of Police, Alfred Mosiello, and may have even been helped to transfer into the Pelham Manor Police Department by Mosiello.

There have always been questions raised by members of the department, over the timing of the supervisor’s promotion and the fact that he was made a supervisor in the first place.  Sources say Chief of Police had to “convince” one supervisor to retire in order to create the spot for the Chief’s little friend, and then the Village spent more of the taxpayers’ money to force a more qualified officer, who was ranked second on the list, into an earlier than expected retirement.  These calculated and costly moves, combined with two other promotions from the list allowed the straggler, who had previously been ranked #6, to finally make it into the top three, where according to Civil Service law, he could legally be reached.  The department still had to jump two other officers, who had tested better and were ahead of this officer on the Civil Service list, to get to the little fellow.

Other reports from sources within the walls of 4 Penfield Place, allege this supervisor has been known to use racially offensive language, and had done so in front of the department’s cameras prior to his promotion.  The footage from these same cameras have been used more than once to gather evidence against less “desirable” officers, who then faced various charges from statements or actions made in front of these cameras.  When brought to the attention of the little corporal’s supervisors, nothing was done.


  1. You have to wonder where the deputy-mayor "I'm a leader" Schwarzfeld is hiding with all this going on? Admit it, Neal, you are afraid of John Pierpont. You are Pierpont's bit*h. It's OK, Randy bent over asking for more from Pierpont for years.

  2. Big deal a supervisor who was a friend of soon to be ex-Chief Al Mosiello, is a racist. What about his other favorite playmate, who was given almost as many promotions and cushy assignments as T*****

    What inquiring minds would like to know is why a lifelong Yorktown resident who was a firefighter, an auxiliary police member, and a Mason, was never made the full monty in his own hometown. Why did he have to come to the opposite end of the county to get hired.

    It makes you wonder what they know about this PMPD employee up at YPD? What dirt did YPD turn up or was it common knowledge? Was it something in his past, or had he not escaped his demons? Do they know where the bones are burried?

    Oh that's right he's one of Mosiello's neighbors, so we'll never know, will we? Funny how they live so close to one another and socialize. What a circus act.

    1. From what I hear Yorktown police were called to a Pelham Manor Cops residence on numerous occasions. So many times that it became a Routine. House of Clowns.

  3. Timmy and Vespy or the cabin boy and the sparrow. That is some crime fighting team Two arrests in 50 years of police work. Both promoted to Sgt. by the perv just for beening his rats. The whole crew should be fired. Get a mayor in there who wants to turn the job 180 degrees. Can anyone straighten out the mess? it gets worse by the day.Poor Lt. Carpenter his first act as boss LOCK UP PIERPONT. You know who has the goods on him. He will give you what you need. Do it for your men.

  4. He always been shady. A burglary committed with a witness and was brought to the x chief als attention and nothing was done. Al is an acomplis. Both of them should answer to crimes committed against society. OMG

  5. These people should be removed from the public trust..

  6. Is it true that he is involved in Tillastrand coverup too?

  7. JIHAD JOHN Pierpont, a suburban terrorist funded with tax dollars- had FELLOW degenerate JUDGE JOHN DeCHARIO sign search warrant to search a residents home.


    DEPUTY MAYOR SCHWARZFELD have your private law firm investigate this ? Did you know FELON PIERPONT'S home in Mount Kisco was scene of a NO KNOCK SEARCH WARRANT. The Mount Kisco PD and WESTCHESTER DA removed thousands in stolen property taken by JIHAD JOHN PIERPONT

    PIERPONT is a Suburban TERRORIST.DID u know he use to routinely walk into into peoples home. We can tell u one thing JUDGE GARDNER would never had signed that search warrant. JUDGE DeCHAIRO Needs to be IMPEACHED

  8. Mayor SELL OUT Sellier and Deputy Mayor SCHWARZFELD are responsible for Det. Ken Campion's "SUICIDE BY COP ATTEMP," Campion WAS LIKED and WELL RESPECTED by all till he wrote Fire THIEF RUGGIERO'S kid a couple tickets when she almost killed POLICE OFFICER and WAR VETERAN Mike Trillistand.


  9. Thank you Det. Campion. Hope all is well. I applaud you. This Axis of Evil must be stopped. They can not be allowed to make their own rules ANYMORE. Pelham Manor deserves better.

  10. Burglary by Sgt Desantola and he walks away with no punishment. Not fixing tickets Det. Campion gets demoted. Something wrong with that picture. I hope the new LT. will take care of that. Or maybe we get our investigator to put the evidence on the computer and show the residents how corrupt Pierpont is .

  11. As an ex proud Pelham Manor Police officer I am afraid that Lt Carpenter is in over his head. He has absolutely no experience running a PD. He has been placed in a situation that he did not cause. The village is being investigated by numerous state and federal agencies how can he handle that. It is a joke give the man some help even if it is for three months. I spoke to a real mayor from another community who stated there is an obvious answer to the problem. I guess that Pierpont's ego is to big to do the right thing. I believe that the residents will get behind the person I am thinking of and the new mayor will call him to assist for a short period of time. I know he would be glad to help and knowing him would do it for nothing. What have you got to loose Mr Mayor? Do want to look like an idiot again when Mrs. Mayor takes over and does it. Your choice.

  12. I hope the person responsible for putting down the future Lieutenant, would stop belittling his experience. He has more experience running the department than both Lt's before him, and is certainly more intelligent and prudent than the exiting chief of Police. Carpenter was a decorated officer and a respected supervisor.

    As a patrol officer, he was often left in charge of his tour, because of a lack of supervisory presence. He would be called upon for input, when his supervisor was forced to surface and needed to make a decision. He basically ran his tour as an officer for many years.

    At numerous points in time, including the night of the Tillistrand accident, Carpenter has been the outgoing chief and Lt's reference point, when they had no clue what to do in a situation. I worked that night, and as Al and Dave ran in circles chasing their tails, while Carpenter methodically took care of the details that need to be addressed during a crisis. This is not to say he had anything to do with the rest of the travesty of justice that ensued during the following months, only that he knew what to do and who to call to get the job done. The night could have gone a lot worse.

    Carpenter most recently served the department as Detective Sgt.. This is the same position held by the last two Chief's prior to becoming the Lieutenant.

    Please give Carpenter the respect he deserves. As long as the Village allows him a wide enough berth to run the department as he sees fit, and the new Village Board negotiates a fair contract with the Police Association, the Pelham Manor Police Department will regain its position as the premier Police job in Westchester County.

  13. I was one of the officers forced out of PMPD by Pierpont and Mosiello. I had 20 years of service, numerous decorations and not one formal disciplinary action in all that time. Days before my retirement was official they served me with charges and effectively fired me when I refused to resign. Most village employees careers end in situations like this since Pierpont has been in charge. Dignified retirements are sadly a thing of the past in the Village of Pelham Manor.

  14. Sgt. Thomas Atkins would be the best choice for Chief of PMPD. I worked for numerous supervisors there and he is the best they have in the department.

  15. I carpenter was their go to man how come the fire chiefs car was hidden in the fire chiefs garage. How come the drivers phone was not taken as evidence. I never knew he was in charge wow thanks for the info. Now I am really worried next time keep your mouth shut.

    1. HAHAH....exactly.
      The only post true of the past 4 involve Donahue not showing up for work and his little buddy Carpenter covering for him for years (albeit Donahue was midnight tour Sergeant which does nothing (same tour the ohhh illustrious one ran after being promoted for 3 years). ERGO with all that covering it was no surprise that Donahue pushed his little butt-bud to the top via peeing in the Mousey one's ear and Mayor and others.

  16. Carpenter is, without a doubt, the best person to take the reigns at PMPD. He is probably the only supervisor there who can actually think like a cop, make a decision as a cop, and not worry about what the board may tell him to do. He will concentrate on bettering the police department and not worry about pleasing everyone. Some decisions may be right and some may be not-so-right, but at least he will make a decision and not look like a bone head. He comes from a family of great law enforcement, 2 others which were PMPD, and respected PMPD. Carpenter has learned from the best, his father, uncles, and Chief C. Old school cops with pride and dignity. This is the attitude that MUST be brought back to the best PD in the world!!

  17. Unfortunately, most retired and current officers know how Pelham Manor really works. Most of us just wanted to do our jobs. But through cheap tactics the administration tries to scare you into doing their bidding. Why should it matter how a PBA member votes? Why is there the need to be whispered to vote a certain way or you have no future?

    Take a terrible contract offer from the Village Administrator that benefits not the PBA. It's just sad. Too many times we feel like we live in communist Russia. Even sadder there is then the inquisition to find out who didn't go along "with the program ".

    New leadership is needed in the Village. The wanna-be thug needs to go. Pretending to be a tough guy and flashing a bogus badge means

  18. First of all, let me say that accountability within the administrative offices of the village is LONG OVERDUE. The Village of Pelham is properly run; the Village of Pelham Manor is an outright disgrace and likely illegal, if the documentation I see on this website is even 1/100 accurate.

    While I appreciate the fine work of our Manor police officers and I have cringed to hear how they have been mistreated, it is vital to know that the needed clean-up is NOT ONLY ABOUT the police officers.

    Countless village employees (Fire, DPW and administrative) have been treated like animals over the last ten/plus years. I know a few of them and their stories are heartbreaking.

    I've always liked the Deputy Mayor Schwarzfeld and was probably going to vote for him before I heard the roar of people screaming for accountability, transparency and, importantly, that our village employees be treated fairly. (All employees, not just the police officers).

    We need a change of management, and while I don't like naming names, it is clear to me (and has been for years, I must admit) that one person is behind all the skullduggery - John Pierpont. GET RID OF PIERPONT ! NOW !

  19. Wow!!! I just reviewed what was written today, and this blog has bigger spinners than a pimped out Y-Town school bus, and it looks like they are trying to kick up as much dust as one might find in da bus driva's pocket . Somehow, one of the cars in the circus train rolled over and all the squirrels got out today.

    The article, if that is what one calls the above story, appears to be pointing out a supervisor, who isn't fit to dignify the same patch worn by so many other outstanding members of the Pelham Manor Police Department. It looks like the blog was hijacked by some flimflam artist, intent on diverting the viewer away from the real story.

    The story is the village has not completed purging the police department of its liabilities. It is right in front of you, Laptop Johny Why aren't you and the board looking into these allegations? Was this one of the chosen that the outgoing thief of police told you to take care of, because he would be an asset to the way you run things, which is into the ground.

  20. Lt. Carpenter, I feel for you. You have six Sgts. under your command. Approximately 2 of them will have anything positive to offer. The other 4 are TOTALLY INEPT. They should not even be cops let alone be bosses. They road the sagging coat tails of the RACIST CHIEF. He definitely bought their silence. I wish you nothing but the best, but with this CAST OF CHARACTERS you really have no chance. Make no BONES about it, you have a rough road ahead. Beware of the RAT AND RSRD.

  21. I do not think anyone can put down Jeff. I think that many people are concerned for his well being. Why would they not give him the support to make his transition easier? I believe a little help would go along way and him more comfortable in his new position. So once again we are looking out for him because we want him to succeed. Go Jeff !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Was this officer at the the Tillistrand Scene that fateful night? Does any body know what Police Officers were on the scene? This needs to get out, this is one of the most DISGUSTING LAW ENFORCEMENT SCANDALS EVER.

  23. He was there to "interview" the fire chief's daughter and, though she admitted to another detective that she was on the phone when she struck Officer Tillistrands, he quickly scurried away when ruggiero the crook and his daughter lawyered up.

  24. Just got back from vacation. I would like more information on the principal of the private security firm. I am guessing the other person is Timmy DeSantola. I am thinking the other is a retired sgt.. Am I correct?

  25. Sounds like Mitch Gitter.

  26. In response to the last two posts, I thought it was the same retired sgt. as you, but i wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing his name in print. he has such an inferiority complex that just the thought that someone believed he had some involvement with cops or a legitimate investigation would be titillating to that anti-cop loser.

    I did however do a check on the email address that appears on the above racist email. comes back to a previous address that Timmy DeSantola lived at back in the day, but a full search shows it belongs to his wife, so that is a dead end for all the Timmy haters out there.

    Timmy may be known for dropping recovered property out the back window and he might have been seen by his old babysitter-aka the Thief of Police using all the wrong racist comments on front desk video, but he was NOT on the receiving end of racist emails, at least not this one. I don't think his wife has any requirement to report that to authorities. What does she do for a living anyway?

  27. Thank you for the information. It make sense Gitter was always hanging around headquarters with the other pervs Mosiello and Donahue. Birds of a feather I guess. Their families should be proud of them. Did the mayor or police commissioner check to see if any other Pelham Manor employees such as Pierpont receive the emails and did not report them?

  28. I couldn't tell you what the board did, as far as an investigation goes. It looks like they got the chief and lieu, so who knows what else they found.
    The mayor did say the emails were sent to other officers in the department. Was DeSantola an officer at the time of the emails? DD sure wasn't. The board lawyered up on that statement, the way they have on most of their statements. Mayor Sellier was sweating like he was doing hot yoga.

    I do know there was a person working on the hard drives, while the village decided whether Fredo was on medical leave, on holiday, or suspended.
    Then, one of the JP's little vacuum cleaners was working on the computers upstairs at night for a few weeks, even after Fredo left. I doubt it is part of the investigation, more part of tidying up the network for JP, before the alphabet agencies arrive.

    Maybe hoover is purging the racist emails and DeSantola's video, or maybe he made a copy on his thumb drive, then purged it. Always good to have insurance these days. Rumor is he ratted to JP about DD's email address, thinking it would get him and his sidekick somewhere, and what did it all get him, a one-way ticket to Palooka-ville.
    "Meow, meow, meow, we smell a rat close by."

  29. Was Gitter the private investigator that was following the injured Pelham Manor cops around for money. Some of the guys he worked with. He should be in the same class as DeSantola and Vesperman.RAT

  30. Mosiello had once let the cat out of the bag that her had acquired his investigators through Mitch, but didn't admit to whether Mitch did the work himself. I guess either way, he was involved in the demise of the careers of Pelham Manor PBA board members, almost as much as Mosiello and Pierpont.

    Yes, one would have to say he turned on more than one MOS that had worked with him, but I don't think anyone ever accused Mitch of loyalty, integrity, or being a cop for that matter.

    When you are good at something, stick with it. A RAT is a RAT is a RAT.

  31. Holy crap Gitter did not have the balls to do it himself he turned over to someone else. He always played this pro cop type of guy. You don't get lower than that. When he had problems with Chief Carroll did he forget who helped him. What a piece of garbage. Thanks for the info once a rat always a rat.

  32. Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gittter,Rat,Gitter, Rat!!

  33. DeSantola you better get your bags packed. I heard the after the new mayor gets in she wants to clean house. Well your the first one the new boss is coming after. Man you deserve it after knifing him in the back. You know how his mind works you better run for the hills. Take that midnight sgt. with you because he is next on the hit list. That takes care of 2 rat sgts. More to come.
