Friday, April 24, 2015

Pelham Manor Corruption Clean-Up Continues.....

Pelham Manor Corruption Clean-Up Continues.....

..... Residents to seek Court Removal of Trustee Neal Schwarzfeld

     Residents of Pelham Manor, disgusted in their village's management of their local government, have been meeting around town.  They point to disgraced former mayor, Bertrand Sellier, as "one of the lightening rods that symbolizes a corrupted government," and according to one longtime resident, adding, "Sellier knowingly lied and misled the residents of Pelham Manor." ..... MORE .....

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Pelham Manor Dark Cloud Continues

        A recent mayoral debate failed to mention two haunting words: Pierpont and Tillistrand - the big  cover-up scheme involving lawless village administrator John Pierpont and the horrific event that almost left on-duty Pelham Manor Police Officer Michael Tillistrand dead.... MORE.....

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Residents of the Village Of Pierpont Manor Have Reason to Scratch

Pierpont Caught Using Village Garage as His Own Personal Auto Repair Service
        While only limited information can been gleaned from the two-year-plus investigation that began with contact with the FBI and the U.S. Attorney's Office, one fact remains glaring and constant- every day brings another troubling tale involving Village of Pelham Manor village manager, John Trowbridge Pierpont, Sr. .... MORE.....

Thursday, February 26, 2015

ANOTHER Pelham Manor Police Supervisor Linked to Racist Email Scandal

Yet, another Pelham Manor Police supervisor has been linked to the racist email scandal.

A principal from a private investigative firm, who has been involved with the Village of Pelham Manor for many years, and has been intricately involved in the proceedings that led to the retirement or termination of numerous Pelham Manor officers, has forwarded information that another police supervisor may have been the recipient of emails sent by the Chief of Police, Alfred Mosiello.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Disgraceful Government of the Village of Pelham Manor - Part II

        Hundreds of Thousands of Taxpayers' Dollars 
to Favored Law Firm

        Using taxpayer dollars, the Village of Pelham Manor village manager, John Pierpont, has funneled millions of dollars to favored lawyers, and all after he creates and/or expands "legal" issues that require costly legal representation.  When you think of John Pierpont, think: Shelton Silver- the embattled "public servant" who diverted million of dollars of public funds to those favored associates in the legal community.....  MORE.....

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Corrupt Police Chief Sends Officer Home After Not Fixing Ticket

        Sworn statements, now in the hands of the FBI, provide additional insight into the routinely dysfunctional and illegal activity inside the Village of Pelham Manor government.  The in-charge-of-nothing police chief is quoted as saying, "Pierpont [the village manager] wants me to give you a hard time over these tickets..." 

        One officer, who refused to rip up a ticket for a Mrs. Nancy Johnston (a/k/a Mrs. Fisher), the wife of a former village board member, was told by Police Chief Al Mosiello, “It’s not like she’s some black guy from the Bronx.”   After the officer refused to “fix” the ticket, Chief Mosiello whined, “you don’t understand,  Pierpont’s my boss.”   Like magic, the officer later learned that the ticket was made to disappear.  .... MORE ....


ALL RECENT COMMENTS  (after February 22, 2015)




Friday, February 20, 2015

The Disgraceful Government of the Village of Pelham Manor - Part I

        Anger over the lawless actions by corrupt Village of Pelham Manor officials has consumed countless people since that rainy night on Boston Post Road a little over three years ago.  The cover-up, tampering with evidence, and ticket fixing points to two individuals: Village Manager John T. Pierpont and Soon-To-Be-Ex-Pelham Manor Police Chief Alfred Mosiello. ..... MORE....

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Police Chief Mosiello Accused of Burying Murder Info

        The latest allegation involving Village of Pelham Manor Police Chief Alfred Mosiello involves a murder from 1995.  Mosiello is accused of having information pertinent to that murder investigation, but wanting to stall taking action until he was promoted.  ..... MORE.....

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Pelham Manor Police Chief Alfred Mosiello Waves White Flag

        Friday, the 13th of February marked the day Village of Pelham Manor Police Chief Al Mosiello chose to pen his letter of "retirement." .....MORE.....

Friday, February 13, 2015

Pelham Manor Racist Email Scandal Spreads to Eastchester

There is more to the racist email scandal that has propelled Village of Pelham Manor Police Chief Alfred Mosiello to recent stories in The New York Daily News and The Journal News.  It is now reported that the email addresses of another Westchester County police chief and two police lieutenants have been identified as part of the stream of e-mail distribution..... MORE.....

Thursday, February 12, 2015

But Wait, There's More.... Another Email in the Police Chief Email Scandal

        And yet another lovely email alleged to have been part of the process where the Village of Pelham Manor "leaders" rewarded Pelham Manor Police Chief Al Mosiello with the retention of his job.
        Mayor Betrand Sellier and Deputy Mayor Neil Schwarzfeld have been largely unavailable to The New York Daily News and The Journal News who published articles about the $185,000.00-plus-a-year Chief Mosiello of the Village of Pelham Manor Police Department.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

John Pierpont Exposed as Racist Behind Pelham Manor Racism

The costly dysfunctional administration of the Village of Pelham Manor grows more everyday.  It turns out village manager John Pierpont was sued in federal court for "arresting" workers after he determined that they didn't look like they belonged in Pelham Manor.  According to the federal lawsuit, Pierpont said, "You are all under arrest...."  And, of course, Pierpont "flashed a badge." .....MORE....

The Journal News Reports on Racist Pelham Manor Emails

As reported in the February 10, 2015 Journal News, "Racist emails from Pelham Manor police chief revealed" by Jonathan Bandler, Pelham Manor Police Chief Alfred Mosiello passed along "racist emails stereotyping African Americans and illegal immigrants."  .... MORE....

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Pelham Manor Racist Email Fallout Begins; Pierpont, Sellier and Schwarzfeld "No Comment"

        With the hasty reported retirement of Pelham Manor Police Lieutenant David Donahue, effective February 28, 2015, comes an all-too-common "No Comment" from Mayor Bertrand Sellier, Deputy Mayor Neal Schwarzfeld and village manager John Pierpont.  As more light shines on the alleged racist emails in the Police Chief Al Mosiello scandal, the fury of taxpayer anger swells... MORE....

Monday, February 9, 2015

Racist Emails Exposed: Mayor Sellier and Deputy Mayor Schwarzfeld Accused of Cover-Up

        For weeks, Village of Pelham Manor Mayor, Bertrand Sellier, and Deputy-Mayor, Neal  Schwarzfeld have been publicly accused of white-washing and covering-up the details involving racist emails allegedly sent by their Chief of Police, Alfred R. Mosiello.  A source close to the controversy has provided some of those emails, in the interest of the public's right to know, and amid the growing allegations of wide-spread corruption within the village government..... MORE.....

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pelham Manor Mayor Sellier and Trustees Were Aware Of Corruption

     It turns out that the elected officials of the Village of Pelham Manor have always been aware of the improper. illegal and bumbling actions of their village manager John Pierpont.  In addition, they have allowed Pierpont to control the troubled police chief, and have watched as the police force has fallen into a state of disaster lacking any morale...... MORE...... 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Elected Officials Accused of Overlooking Misdeeds of Village Manager John Pierpont

     According to a Village of Pelham Manor Police Report, an older gentleman resident was followed and harassed by the wife of the village manger, John Pierpont.  See the details..... MORE.....

Racist Emails and Mayor Bertrand Sellier's Public Misrepresentation

     "A lie of omission is an intentional failure to tell the truth in a situation requiring disclosure," says one definition.

     Are you listening, Mayor Sellier? ...... MORE.....

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Pelham Manor Taxpayers Fund Porn Cover-Up and Retaliation Scheme

     Was it necessary for the Village of Pelham Manor taxpayers to end up paying over $500,000.00 to resolve the matter of a former village employee, Christopher Pignone?

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Critical Choice in Pelham Manor: Mayor Lapey or Mayor Schwarzfeld

March 18, 2015 is Election Day in Pelham Manor

The option for Pelham Manor voters is clear: Continue wasting millions of taxpayers' dollars, or return the Village of Pelham Manor to a responsible form of government.

Colonel John Glover Reports For Duty

John Glover is back, and as always, he's ready to fight for what's right. Colonel Glover saved General Washington from enemy forces in '75, and now he leads the charge to stop the advances of today's scoundrels.