Saturday, January 31, 2015

Critical Choice in Pelham Manor: Mayor Lapey or Mayor Schwarzfeld

March 18, 2015 is Election Day in Pelham Manor

The option for Pelham Manor voters is clear: Continue wasting millions of taxpayers' dollars, or return the Village of Pelham Manor to a responsible form of government.

Neal Schwarzfeld, the current Deputy Mayor, has publicly referenced his 12-year history with the Village of Pelham Manor government, as a trustee for nine years and as the village attorney for three years.  Those qualifications, says Mr. Schwarzfeld, is one reason why voters should support him.

The "qualifications" of Mr. Schwarzfeld, however, may be part of the problem involving the wasting of millions of dollars of taxpayers' money.  Mr. Schwarzfeld, during those twelve years, was fully familiar with the facts concerning the countless irresponsible acts of the person who really runs the Village of Pelham Manor, namely Village Manager John Pierpont.  It is a fact that Mr. Schwarzfeld  has personally benefited financially from the legal fees advanced, and many times fueled, by John Pierpont.

Voters must consider whether Neal Schwarzfeld has proven one thing over the last twelve years: that he has the courage to stand up to, and correct, the documented lawless acts of Village Manager John Pierpont.

Jennifer Monachino Lapey, on the other hand, has proven one thing over the last twelve years: she will publicly engage in discussion on matters of interest to the taxpayers and residents of the Village of Pelham Manor.  It is a fact that Ms. Lapey has participated is issues of concern to taxpayers, and as documented by her writings and in videotaped presentations.

In the interest of Village of Pelham Manor residents, taxpayers, businesses, employees and visitors, Mr. Schwarzfeld and Ms. Lapey will be presented with documentary facts on this forum, and they can choose whether or not to engage in any discussion concerning the presented issues. 


  1. It looks like Schwartzfeld has been part of the problem. Has Lapey publicly said she would stop the wasting of tax payer's money?!

  2. Lapey is honest but she has to get rid of Pierpont. He is the ringmaster of the circus called Pelham Manor he is poison. I believe she can turn around the village and make it proud as it was in the past. It can be done clean house.

  3. Pretty pathetic when a police officer reports corruption to mayor sellier and schwarzfeld, seller and schwarzfeld then cover up mosiello's crimes, and causing this officer to attempt suicide by cop. seller and schwarzfeld need to resign, need to be disbarred as lawyers, need to be arrested, blood on schwarzfeld and seller's slimy hands.

  4. The mayor and the police commissioner knew all about the email and had plenty of time to fire the chief but chose not to. Great job how can you hold a trustee job in a great community as Pelham Manor and who would hire you as a lawyer your both useless. There are only a few black families in the Manor so what did you care how they felt or how they would vote. Another miscalculation. Did you to not want the four corners project to proceed the complete opposite of what the residents wanted. Do you get anything right. How much were you and Pierpont getting under the table. The police should watch them oh wait they can't they protect the black hating police chief. I can't wait to see the rest of the emails so we could see who else he hates.

    1. He hates Cops especially PBA REPS. He has "Gone After" every one since he was chief.
