Pierpont Caught Using Village Garage as His Own Personal Auto Repair Service
While only limited information can been gleaned from the two-year-plus investigation that began with contact with the FBI and the U.S. Attorney's Office, one fact remains glaring and constant- every day brings another troubling tale involving Village of Pelham Manor village manager, John Trowbridge Pierpont, Sr. .... MORE.....
Residents, employees, taxpayers and visitors have good reason to scratch their heads and ask, "How did Pierpont happen?" And it's a very good question, a query the current Board of Trustees is afraid to voice.
But first, John Pierpont's personal family vehicle, and as pictured below, was photographed on the lift inside the Village of Pelham Manor Department of Public Work's garage- being serviced during village business hours, and by village employees using village equipment.
(In fairness, though, it is simply unknown whether or not John Pierpont allows every Pelham Manor taxpayer to take advantage of this free auto repair service at the village garage.)
It is also unknown exactly how much the members of the Village of Pelham Manor Board of Trustees knew about Pierpont's theft of public resources. The board members- Bertrand C. Sellier, Neal A. Schwarzfeld, Raymond L. Vandenberg, Louis Annunziata and Christopher R. Winston- have, however, been very aware that:
--the village garage has been managed by Fire Chief Joseph Ruggiero, who collects at least two separate paychecks- one paycheck for the Fire Department, and another check for overseeing the village garage. (NOTE: there are allegations that Fire Chief Ruggiero is collecting a 3rd paycheck from the village, and that there may be improper funding into his fire department retirement account from those non-fire department related monies. More on that soon....)
--Pierpont allowed Fire Chief Ruggiero to improperly store his (Ruggiero's) vehicle in the village garage after that vehicle (driven by Ruggiero's daughter) became evidence in an accident that almost killed a highly-respected on-duty Village of Pelham Manor police officer. (CLICK HERE TO SEE, "The Disgraceful Government of the Village of Pelham Manor - Part I."
--John Pierpont's wife, Dianna, was accused by an older resident of harassing him and "flashing a badge." CLICK HERE TO SEE the FILED POLICE REPORT, "Elected Officials Accused of Overlooking Misdeeds of Village Manager John Pierpont." Not to be outdone by his wife, John Pierpont "flashed his badge" when he improperly "arrested" a few workers who didn't "look like" they belonged in Pelham Manor. CLICK HERE TO SEE the FILED FEDERAL LAWSUIT, "John Pierpont Exposed as Racist Behind Pelham Manor Racism."
MORE on what Messrs. Sellier, Schwarzfeld, Vandenberg, Annunziata and Winston have known- SOON !!
Back to that Pierpont Itch - how did Pierpont happen? It turns out that ANY type of due diligence of John Pierpont's employment history at Mount Kisco would have set off deafening alarm sirens.
According to law enforcement sources:
--John Pierpont was, in fact, going to be arrested by the Westchester County District Attorney's office for stealing from Mount Kisco, and after the DA's office executed a search warrant at Pierpont's home; John Pierpont escaped arrest after it was revealed one of the stolen computers was found in the possession of a "friend" of Pierpont's, and that "friend" was very politically connected. (That Pierpont "friend" has since died.)
--John Pierpont, while disgracing the fine residents of Mt. Kisco as their village manager, was accused of calling a young hispanic man "a spic" and a young black boy "a Nig**r."
--John Pierpont was accused of forging certain Mount Kisco police officers' names on documents in a scheme that resulted in, thanks to Pierpont, a switch of the police department retirement benefits. Before Pierpont, officers could retire after 20-years of service; now, and after the Pierpont "change," officers have to work 30-years before they can retire.
CHECK BACK THURSDAY AFTERNOON FOR: "Guess Who's Looking for the Pierpont Misappropriated Millions."
Here is John Pierpont's Jeep in the
Village of Pelham Manor garage:
They should make a reality TV show about John Pierpont-- if that's his real name ! Hurry up and start filming-- before he gets arrested !!
ReplyDeleteGreat pix! I remember Pierpont's kid driving that Jeep. I have to look around. I'm sure I have some pictures that the public should know about.
ReplyDeleteWho do I call to get my oil changed! I'd like to get it done early tomorrow. Does anyone know what time the Pierpont service station opens? Is coffee served?
OK, acting-chief Jeff Carpenter. You've been on the job- in charge (thank God)- long enough. What, it's been 20 hours, now? Have you arrested John Pierpont yet? YOU WILL BE NATIONAL NEWS BY WEDNESDAY !!
ReplyDeleteIf you have an extra pair of cuffs drag Ruggiero's ars in too ! Johnny boy and 3-check-Joe can continue servicing each other in a cell.
Holy Cow!!! Who knew that was illegal?? The DPW/FireChief/Village mechanic's garage has had more personal cars up on the lift than Jiffy Lube.
ReplyDeleteJoe R has been working on at least one police supervisors car for years. I don't know if the cop actually paid him, because said supervisor has stiffed every other mechanic in town money, but who knew the village mechanic couldn't work on outsiders cars??
I am pretty sure Joe R inspected this guys car as well. It wouldn't make fiscal sense for a village garage to have a state inspection machine, but if Pelham Manor has one, there are records of which cars were inspected. Well, there are supposed to be records....
Next idea for the village board to look at.... Check all the auto parts supply stores the village uses and see what kind of parts were ordered. Take it a step further, and check the remaining stores in the area for what parts were either sold to the Village of Pelham Manor, or to Smoking' Joe Camel.
FYI board. As far as I know, the village doesn't own a Benz. Well, nothing would surprise me at this point.
On the note of automobiles, the wasting of taxpayers' money, John Pierpont and his toady Fredo, here is another one.
ReplyDeletePlease someone correct me if I am wrong, but didn't JP's kid have use of one of the Village of Pelham Manor Police Department's undercover units bc the family was short a car? I seem to recall that the kid might have even used that car for his driver's license road test, and Fredo might have gone for the ride.
I doubt he failed that road test. Anybody remember the details?
Pierponts son practiced driving in the unmarked vehicle and then used the car for his road test. Fredo took Pierponts son to the road test tinning the inspector. The kid passed. You can't make this stuff up.
ReplyDeleteLMAO - Vladimir Putin has borrowed Sellier and Schwarzfeld's hilarious scam of conducting their own investigation. Putin launched an investigation into Boris Nemtsov's murder, just like useless Sellier and Schwarzfeld's "investigation" into ticket fixing.
ReplyDeleteLet's put Putin in a room for 5 minutes with the two spineless trustees Sellier and Schwarzfeld. ROTF LMAO
Does anyone know if the Pelham Manor Board of Trustees is accepting applications for the village manager job?
ReplyDeleteWhere should such inquiries be sent !
Very sad how one person (Pierpont) has been allowed to cause so much damage to so many people for so long. I agree. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?
ReplyDeleteHas Carpenter arrested Pierpont for Conspiracy, Obstruction of Governmental Administration and Tampering with Evidence yet?
ReplyDeleteCome on, Jeff. You took an oath to uphold the law. Yes, Jeff- YOU can start a new day in the Village of Pelham Manor for every employee and every resident. Many people are praying you will do the right thing! You have no choice, you have witnessed firsthand Pierpont committing those crimes.
Pretty funny being around Penfield Place. If people thought JP was paranoid before, it was nothing compared to what's going on now. Johnny knows his days are numbered.
ReplyDeleteDoes Pierponts wife still have that horse?
ReplyDeleteI am not sure if she still has that horse, but I am sure that if she does still have it, Fire Thief Joe is shoeing it in the DPW garage.
ReplyDeleteI am friendly with some of the supervisors from the Pelham Manor Police Department. A supervisor, who I know to have been a close personal friend of the now defunct chief of police, recently advised me that Mosiello owns a second residence down in the Carolinas.
ReplyDeleteThis employee stated the chief of police was permitted to drive his unmarked police department SUV to his cozy little getaway and use it on vacation. Furthermore, this poor guy had to occasionally gas up the SUV at the Village of Pelham Manor gas pumps, prior to the chief leaving on his excursions.
I couldn't believe my ears, so I asked a second sergeant, who I know was not a fan of the outgoing chief, and he confirmed the story. The only exception was that he couldn't confirm that his friend had to gas up the chief's SUV, because he worked the late shift.
If this is true, then the village should consider combining services with Pelham or allowing the WCDPS to take over the services provided by the Village of Pelham Manor, like they have done in other places.
Obviously, this should be done after they throw the village manger in jail for allowing this, and all the other things I keep seeing on this site to happen. God, I miss Dick Blessing.
2. THEFT OF SERVICE BY FIRE THIEF RUGGIERO, operating an unlicensed auto repair shop on village property. I'm sure RUGGIERO paid taxes on all he stole.
3. Pierpont's transfer station on village property, mixing-in of toxic waste on Spring Street.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. PROVE IT.
ReplyDeleteAny info on when the next village meeting is and what time?
ReplyDeleteI heard that the next Pelham Manor board meeting is Monday, March 9th.
ReplyDeleteThere's a public debate between the candidates for Pelham Manor mayor on Sunday, March 8th at Village Hall (that's the place above the Fire Department, across the lot from Pierpont and Friend's personal free auto repair garage)
I see plenty of comments about the criminal actions of the village board, administration and former police supervisors (as well as some current supervisors) yet this has been going on for a long time and the residents are quiet, for the most part. They always complain about taxes but remain silent when corrupt animals are ruining the lives of employees. I guess they don't care so much about the personal war chest their tax dollars go into unless they're directly affected by the bald lunatic and his sycophants.
ReplyDeleteI think it is more that the residents never really knew about the wide spread corruption. The employees all knew about John's corrupt ways and mafia strong arm tactics, but residents have been in the dark since it was never broadcast so loudly as the great site has done. In the upcoming debate and election maybe we as residents will get some answers for the things we have now found out about.
DeletePersonally, I've read a number of these blog posts and the reason I'm not riled up is because they're semi-incoherent, rambling, full of accusations and entirely devoid of true substance. I have yet to see anything substantial (off-the-cuff racist chain E-mails aren't great but it seems like the CoP is on his way out because of it so I'm not certain what the complaint is). It sounds like Pierpont is kind of an asshole (that's been my general impression from experience anyway) but, in my mind, that doesn't equate to corruption and is quite probably a job requirements. I'm not saying definitively he doesn't take it too far - he very well may have - and he very well may have done things deserving of legal or political action but I see no true proof here...
DeleteTake this post for example: http://pelhammanorny.blogspot.com/2015/02/the-disgraceful-government-of-village_26.html
There are accusations and claims of "hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars" being wasted but there's literally no proof. There are some documents at the bottom but all they prove is that someone had a zoning dispute almost two decades ago and that at least two letters were written between two lawyers (that doesn't cost hundreds of thousands of dollars). It doesn't even look like anything came of the dispute.
If there really are legitimate issues, the author (or any of the people commenting that the issues are so obvious) should be able to present them in a reasonable, measured and clear way that points to the specific instances of illegal, unethical or otherwise improper behavior. Broad, general accusations are just that - accusations and they haven't been backed up (as far as I can tell) by anything tangible.
In addition (and I suspect this is as much a symptom of the problem as it as a cause) jumping from accusation to accusation with no clear narrative only serves to distract people with ad hominem attacks that are never useful in healthy argument; I very much suspect you won't convince otherwise impartial residents with them. Tone down the editorializing, focus on the facts and maybe you'll convince some residents who aren't already invested.
And just as a side note - I have a strong feeling that this whole thing is very self-serving and probably of little consequence to residents. I can tell you that I've had encounters with the PMPD and they have always been exceedingly unpleasant. As far as I'm concerned, I've been pretty disillusioned with the department (I'm referring specifically to the officers and not the leadership). Maybe if they toned down the over-zealous enforcement, combative attitudes and scare tactics (you operate in a relatively sleepy suburban neighborhood - you may have serious issues with out-of-towners every now and then but the strong-arm tactics with residents are ridiculous) I might be a bit more sympathetic. That, or show me that the attitude is a function of the leadership. A department I had better relations with and more respect for would garner more support.
PBA union representatives at the PMPD over the last several years have had a choice.. Sell the members down the river and get promoted or represent them and get forced off the job.
ReplyDeleteIt is time for a change. They finally got rid of the racist chief and the high lt. Now the residents have a chance to get rid of the ring leader. The ring leader has destroyed the moral in every single department in the village. Would you want come to work every day thinking it could be your last? That is how the employees feel. The residents do not know that but it's true.. Vote against the dictator and watch the moral turn around.
ReplyDeleteThe last 4 PBA presidents have been forced to retire or lose their health insurance. Does anyone know that? Is this what the residents want Pierpont to do the loyal employees? Well that is true anyone who does not agree with him is gone.He has an agenda and it is not to take care of anyone it is to be the Dictator. Get rid of him now clean house. It is for your benefit.
ReplyDeleteThe work done on Pierponts personal vehicle is totally illegal. Pierpont did not pay for the use of the garage or the mechanics time or the parts to repair the vehicle. It's theft of service he should be suspended immediately until he comes clean. Lt Carpenter now is your chance to get rid of him. There would be a line of cops ready to put the handcuffs on him. Send a copy of the photo to villages insurance company I would love to see Pierpont explain that.
ReplyDeleteThe moral of this post is that the morals of the thief of police are very low, and that he has created poor morale amongst his men. Would the individual so concerned with the moral of the members of the department, please stop torturing me. You are lowering my morale.
ReplyDeleteI know of at least 4 residents and 3 contractors who have been shaken down by Pierpont. The residents won't talk because of fear of retaliation. See a pattern forming? Contractors just work elsewhere! Call Con Edison ask them how much they hate to work in Pelham Manor,because of Pierpont. He robs them blind.
ReplyDeleteYou keep talking about wasted taxpayer money, so why is it Pelham Manor has no debt unlike its sister village with more than $3M? Funny, you never mention Lenci and Paci in any of these articles, the ones who falsely arrested an African-American. How do you have so much time to write these smears and lies? And why are you anonymous if you have nothing to hide? Ever wonder why the Pelham Weekly never mentions your blog? Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteWhat do Lenci and Paci have to do with all of the documents and EVIDENCE brought before you on this blog? Isn't it obvious what is going on in the village? If you don't see it then you are part of the problem. I BELIEVE YOU TO BE THE PATHETIC ONE.
DeleteWhy are you anonymous? Your a pimp.
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty funny considering the supervisors on duty that day ordered them to run Mr. Hall out of the village just before be attempted to strike one of the officers you mentioned. The former management and baldy all hounded Mr. Hall and his group constantly and he was arrested in the village and NYC for the same issues multiple times. If he was falsely arrested, as you so falsely and sycophantically claim to protect the bald criminal and his cronies, then why did Mr Hall plead guilty numerous times, including for that arrest? Could it be another doctored story that have pierpont the opportunity to force two more officers out? The facts clearly state yes but you can keep on fishing for your bone, gold shield, raise, pat on the head, fourth job title or whatever it is you desire from your master.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is Pelham Manor has always had A LOT of taxpayer money. That does NOT justify mis-spending those monies. It does NOT justify outrageous and needless legal expenses, spent to thrust retaliation and hatred at people and employees that John Pierpont simply does not like, or need anymore.
ReplyDeleteAccountability and Transparency is the issue ! THE GOVERNMENT OF THE VILLAGE OF PELHAM MANOR should NOT be one person's (JP's) personal kingdom - this MUST END... and it WILL end.
Of course, it's nice the VPM has boatloads of money.... how about the taxpayers getting a break ?!?!? How about treating the employees like they are humans?
The real estate taxes here are outrageous. The tremendous increase in commercial revenues should help the taxpayers NOT JOHN PIERPONT'S wasteful and twisted agendas.
Regarding this website being anonymous, I must say I wasn't too crazy about that either. But in truth, we live in an atmosphere where those who speak up are targeted-- and EVERYONE knows John Pierpont is a vicious person, and he, for too many years, has used taxpayer dollars to destroy the lives on countless employees and way too many residents.
I am guided by the actually documents that I see posted here. Is it a "smear" of "lie" that John Pierpont's personal vehicle is being worked on in the village garage?
I don't know Paci or Lenci, but I READ the documentation that showed that the kid they arrested was a BAD kid, arrested in the Bronx- a trouble maker for sure in my mind. And if those cops were so bad, why did the VPM let them retire?!
Clearly, Mayor Sellier was not telling the full story.
Are you happy with what happened with the Officer Tillistrand accident? SHAME ON YOU if you are. SHAME on the ENTIRE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, and SHAME of Mosiello, Ruggiero and Pierpont for their illegal actions when one of our own cops almost got killed.
It may be very telling that The Pelham Weekly doesn't say, "wow, look at this document... let me verify that it's real, and since it raises troubling issues, The Pelham Weekly should report on it...." Nope, The Pelham Weekly has decided NOT to do that, and that's unfortunate. Very telling.
So, "Anonymous March 5, 2015 at 5:23 PM" why don't you put YOUR NAME on your HEAD-IN-THE-SAND comment ?
Wake up and sell the corruption.
I agree. Stop focusing on ANONYMOUS and focus on the DOCUMENTED issues. We as taxpayers have problems that need to be addressed, and clearly the board of trustees over the last few years have shown their inability to address numerous and very serious matters.
ReplyDeleteSeeing as all certain individuals have to fall back on is an alleged bad arrest, why doesn't the village just release all the documents involved in the arrest and Hall's criminal trial. Then, provide the public with all the evidence presented to the board of trustees, that they then used to define the charges against the officers, as well as a copy of the charges. Finally, let's see the evidence that supports the village's allegations that these two officers were attempting to extort the Village Board or the Pelham Manor Police Department.
ReplyDeleteTransparency NOW!!!
There is a candidates' debate on Sunday and a village board meeting on Monday. It would be an excellent time to release copies of this information to the public.
Transparency NOW!!!
The weekly's coincidental release of the video of the arrest appeared to be conspicuously timed to the board's ad hominem attack on these officers, while the board simultaneous propped up Mosiello's unblemished career.
Transparency NOW!!!
Been away from Pelham Manor for a long time. I guess some things never change. Mosiellos incompetence finally caught up with him. He never was very smart. Ruggiero has always been a wanna be wise guy. Not too familiar with this guy pierpont but he sure sounds like a winner. If half of this stuff is true then Pelham Manor is doomed. Where there is smoke there is fire? It sure looks like they should all be in jail!!
ReplyDeleteJohn Pierpont should know what Justice Louis Brandeis said, "If the truth can destroy something, then it deserves to be destroyed" After destroying so many innocent people, it's now John Pierpont's turn
ReplyDeleteBoy, I'm glad that Pierpont is finally in the scopes. Can any of the police officers verify the targeting of any of the business and business owners in Pelham Manor, past or present. There is a lot of true when it said he lines his personal war chest to destroy people and companies, hiding behind the law, his Gold Shield and his Golden Building Codes, evidently lining his pockets. ALL interpreted only to his agenda. Business friendly Pelham Manor is not, unless your a friend of John Pierpont. The building moratoriums, zone changing, the fines and permit fees and harassment initiated by Mr Pierpont thru the Police Force are only part of his Bag of Tricks. It is all Anti- Constitutional and a violation of many peoples Civil Rights.
ReplyDeleteGet someone in there who is not afraid of or beholding to Pierpont. This is a joke a very sad one. What is Carpenter a detective a sgt. a Lt or an Acting chief no one knows. What a lousy way for a nice guy to be treated. I have seen other posts to get him help. What are you waiting for Pierpont? You want to be fired in April keep doing what your doing. Save yourself maybe it is to late. I bet you anything your gone in April.I also bet Carpenter will get a surprise teacher soon. And the men will live happily ever after.
ReplyDeleteIt get worse by the minute. This village board and Pierpont have to go. Seems the perv police chief has forgotten to turn in his Tahoe and dept weapon. That is correct he is not a cop anymore and still has the department truck and the department gun. Piepont the person who placed the perv and covered for him all these years stated he is to busy with other things to worry about the truck and the gun. Are you for real Pierpont? Your allowing a civilian to drive a Pelham Manor Police Vehicle and carry a department gun. You are putting the village in a libelous situation. But you have other things to do. Try counting how many vacation days the chief gets. Did you forget you took 25 away from him? Your a fool to think you and the perv would not get caught.
ReplyDeleteNext you know are going to have a board of police commissioners. Why because your handpicked chief destroyed the whole department? You should have left with him. How many people does it take to run a 28 man department. A chief a Lt a village idiot a 5 person board of trustees and now a board of police commissioners. How many commissioners do you need 5. So now you have now 13 people running a 28 person department. How come it only took 2 people to run the department before you came along? The old boards did not bother the administration they watched from a distance. You got involved as soon as your perv buddy became in charge.The department went down the drain immediately. There is no denying that. You personally engineered the forced retirement of some the greatest cops in Wstchester County because you and the perv did not like them. Don't blame the cops you and the perv are to blame. Now a board of commissioners nothing against that unneeded layer of whatever it is not the cops.It is Pierpont. Voters get wise get rid of these idiots with egos. Get back the car and gun get rid off the commissioners,get rid of Pierpont and the board. Stop the smoke and mirrors and watch what happens without all the interference. Get a real leader in there to help the newly appointed Lt and let the men do their jobs.
I might be posting this under the wrong subject, but has anyone seen Maggie Goebbels' latest Pelham Manor Police and government related article? Seems the Village Board of Pelham Manor has decided we need a board of Police Commissioners. Don't we have a board and a Police Commissioner?
ReplyDeleteThe Pelhams Plus article states this is in response to such racially biased incidents as the arrest and rights violation of an African-American man in early 2013, the retirement of the arresting officers in early 2014, and the board's knowledge of the dissemination of racist emails by the chief of police, information known to the board for since October 2014.
So, here are my questions for the mayor and the board, WHY NOW? It is March 2015. Obviously, all these incidents are no big deal to you. You didn't charge the two officers, instead, you let them retire. Was that a good message to send to other employees? Then,you strung out an investigation into the chief of police's racist emails as long as possible, and finally gave the chief a slap on the wrist, for an offense that would cost any person in any industry their job, and benefits. What if an employee with very little time on committed the same misconduct?
Why now? Did it dawn on the board that they, as a board of commissioners have proven themselves to be incapable of doing the job that boards have done for many years before them, and boards in other municipalities do currently?
The village has a twenty-something member police department. How many commissioners does it take to properly run that many employees?
What will this board's legacy to the Village, and to the Police Department be?
"We the board are sorry that we have neglected to do our duty, therefore we are imposing another layer of bureaucracy to further insulate us from the responsibilities that we were sworn to carry out."
Here is another solution to the problem. First, conduct a real investigation into the emails. Then, fire those involved. Don't ask them to retire, don't send them for sensitivity training, fire them!! You will so quickly the department will cease with this type of activity. Then let the newly minted lieutenant do his job. If he can't, then tell him to retire and get somebody who can.
The new board of police commissioners looks like smoke and mirrors to prevent the residents, who will have to foot the bill for the new board, from seeing the real issue. The truth is that the current board just happened to screw it all up.
Show some integrity. Let the election decide who will oversee the Police Department and the Village.
On the subject of spending the Taxpayers money, and the circle of wagons around the chief of police, did anyone see the Journal Article this morning?
ReplyDeleteLooks like Sellier, Swarzfeld, and Pierpont are continuing to toss the Taxpayers money right into the sewer.
It would appear the former chief of police is still driving the village's SUV!! So, if you believe that he actually retired, that means he took the village's property on vacation for two weeks before he allegedly retired, and now still has it at the end of the business week after his March 1 retirement date.
Schwarzfeld did say the board forced him to resign, and the chief allegedly penned a letter stating he was retiring March 1, 2014. Did the chief retire or resign, there is big difference. If he did either on March 1, then the Village should have received back all departmental property in his possesion, including the SUV, his side arm, as well as numerous other items, including the copy of the rules and regulations he was issued upon employment as a sworn officer.
Next question, is he off payroll? A State of New York Police Service Retirement takes no more than two weeks from the date it is submitted to process out, unless the very simple large font three page form is somehow done wrong, which unless you are an idiot, would have to be intentional. Finally, retirement papers can be submitted on Wednesdays in White Plains. One can check the state website and ascertain all this information in about five minutes.
All this in mind, if Mossier is off payroll, then why is the village still exposing themselves to the liability of a former employee being in possession of an automobile and possibly a hand gun. What if he slides on ice and causes harm to another? What if he succumbs to the stress of the situation and either decides to harm himself or others?
During rare public statements, Pierpont, Sellier and Swarzfeld have misled the public to believe Mosiello has been punished. I would gladly sign on for type of punishment, and so would anyone in the private sector.
"The wheel has turned... and it is time... it is time for them to go!!"
Zambernardi, Carroll and Cusano!! That's about 50 years of cops that ran the PMPD without the crap that's going on now. Carpenter will fall in line with these men! Let a cop, not a board of civilians run this great police department. Don't ruin this job. It's a job with more history and more pride that any other job in the county. I wish I was still there and I still love that place!
ReplyDeletePeople begged to be a Pelham Manor cop. Now the new guys take the job and try to get out. Is board blind to that. Never has a board seen so many changes.Did they not notice how many new cops have been sworn in since Chief Cusano left. I bet the number is half the department. What are you dong sleeping? That number is outrageous. It is the highest badge drain in the history of Westchester County. Most of the veteran officers were forced to resign or lose their health care. Of the new officers 3 transferred 1 was fired and 3 more are waiting to leave. Does that make any sense to anyone? Check how many left under Chiefs Zambernardi, Carroll and Cusano. Get rid of Pierpont and this board. The have made so many officers who were proud to be Pelham Manor Police Officers disgusted and ashamed to be associated with the current power base in the village. Carpenter you were school by the most compassionate man I ever worked for. He led by respecting his men. Follow his lead you won't go wrong. God Bless the PMPD.
ReplyDeleteUnless Carpenter can turn the mindset of the guys around, Pelham Manor will remain being known as the new Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon PD had been known for being a stepping stone for young recruits. Get hired, get trained, get out.
ReplyDeleteHalf the senior officers on Pelham Manor transferred from Mount Vernon PD, including Paci and Desantola. Funny, after Mosiello became chief, a few had started to contemplate going back over to Mount Vernon. Imagine that, leaving a place where the newly minted Lt. Donahue had once informed a gathering of the department's members, "It is not like you guys really have to do anything," for a job like Mount Vernon.
Coincidentally, it was shortly after that meeting that there were so many murmurs that it was time to return to the streets of Mount Vernon, because of the ominous statements made by Mosiello and Donahue at that meeting. It has been all down hill since then.
The department, with Pierpont at the helm, has taken and lost two transfers, and hired, trained and lost another new recruit. There are still numerous young officers, who would be happy to run to the WCDPS, as soon as they start taking transfers again. One of those officers is without a doubt the best hire the department has made in a decade.
Good luck and Be Safe gentlemen.
Looks like another night of sidestepping, wagon circling, and red herrings at the great debate. I guess Schwarzfeld underestimated Lapey or the audience's intelligence, because all he could do was fall back on the same old talking points that brought him and the current Board of Trustees down in the first place.
There are many very valid complaints about the board or Mayor and it conduct, but yet the trustees once again run uncontested. We need to bring great attention to these problems as a community and encourage people to run for public office.
ReplyDeleteWhy is there not great media coverage on these issues - Pelham Weekly, Journal News?
When is the board going to get Pierpont has no clue what he is doing. He continues to give the board terrible information. A police commission that is just great for moral. He screwed the department up for 8 years.The department on it's way back by getting rid of Mosiello and Donahue. 2 people who should never had been in the positions they held. Let Carpenter do his job. Why promote him if your not going to let him lead? Why promote him and not give smooth transition? Are you setting him for a fall? You know what he needs why won't you do it. Because your afraid of who could help Jeff the most. You low life conniver. I wonder who that man wants to win the election? Bye Bye Pierpont you missed calculated this one.
ReplyDeleteYou are all in for a BIG SURPRISE. EX chief Mooshiello has retained a lawyer. Hey Peepont are your ears ringing? Al is talking to someone,about YOU.
ReplyDeletePierpont great job now the perv is shaking you down for a half million. Or you in on it. You let him retire why did you do that. You made the others resign. You opened the door for this to happen on purpose so you have to pay the perve $100,000 to get rid of him now. Wait for the new mayor to get in and she brings in the real Chief of Police in. He will lock up Pierpont in 5 mins. and Pelham Manor will be free.
ReplyDeleteThe men are totally in shock at the stupidity of this board. How can you let this happen.? Now you will have to pay the idiot to leave are you people kidding. I just got the call that he wants $500000 fire his ass. What are you afraid of the whole county is laughing at you jerks. Fire Pierpont with him you turned the PD into a total farce. Pierpont and Mosiello ruined in it for 8 years that ass would still be there if the PBA had not stepped up.The above writer was correct what does the idiot have on Pierpont. I hope they both go to jail they can be cellmates. WTF
ReplyDelete12 officers forced to retire. The dumbest promotions in the history of the department. The worse moral ever. The lying, ticket fixing and coverups unheard of. What is the board doing about it. Protecting the police cihef who had no clue what he was doing and was in charge for 8 years of horror. Now the board is negotiation with the racist police chief who retired then unretired and is trying to get $500,000 of the tax payers money for being racist. Pierpont you should pay him out of your pocket.He is you pinnochio Mr. Gepetto. You both are an should be ashamed of yourself for raping the tax payers. Instead of fixing what is wrong your making it worse. What does any of the so called police commission know about running a police department. Absolutely nothing at all. Did you not have a police commission before you named this police commission. Yes you did they are the asleep at the wheel board of trustees. Stop saying 2 disgruntled employees did this. Try 20 cops that are still there and 15 others that retired and 3 that transferred and 3 more waiting to leave. Do you know how many transferred in the 8 years prior to Mosiello being chief? Zero none no one zilch. Wake up residents there is a cancer called Pierpont and the board they need to be gone.